Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Election

I think that media had a huge in this year's Presidential election. In particular I think that Saturday Night Live played a huge role. I read an article that discussed the percentage of people that watched the shows and voted one way or another. Most people that watched voted for Obama, further more more people said that the skits made them vote for Obama, versus voting for McCain. I think that SNL had such a big impact, because the skits were very one sided. While they poked a few jokes at Obama and Biden, the majority of their skits were centered around the Republican nominees, Sarah Palin in particular. I think it was influential because it was so focused on one candidate instead of another.

Countries all over the world are celebrating Obama's election to President. I think that this election made other countries have a higher opinion of the United States. I think it's such a huge impact for several reasons, the most obvious being that Obama is the first African-American President. Other countries see this as a triumph in American history. In addition, Obama is vastly different from our present President. Other countries are thinking that perhaps relations between themselves and United States can change. I think in the eyes of most other countries of the world the United States achieved a great victory with this election.


Andrew Nagelberg said...

Wow, I cannot believe that SNL had such a major impact. In my blog I wrote about how most people take SNL lightly and mostly as a joke but this is suprising. I guess it makes sense that the skits would make it seem like Palin is stupid.

Also, I think it is great that other countries support our new president. I think our global image has not been great recently so hopefully this will be a good change of pace.

KMele0913 said...

I agree that the media had a large impact on this years election. I also really liked the point you made about SNL having such an impact. I think SNL gave a creative and funny spin on the political issues and made them more simple outlook on the politicians. They took large important issues and made them seem funny and not as serious. This lets you create your own opinion on the politicians.